Friday, November 25, 2011


Remember swinging? The thrill of flying 3 feet off the ground? I love these pics they just scream the thrill of childhood and being a kid. I think these pics were taken around february 2010.

So this seems to be around january 2010. New year and smiling faces. Izzy was the polar oppisite of Katie at that age. Happy and sleepy. By this time Katie was 3 years old and getting to be pretty well behaved.
On to more Law family craziness!

Aha an action photo!!! This was taken probaly a month after Izzy was born and it was the first time out on the track with the new (to me) bike. This bike would take me racing in the years after this photo was taken, but we havent made it that far yet

So here is some pics of me and all my girls. The dogs Sophie and Kelty and the rest of my family. If I only knew what adventures awaited me n the next 2 years.

Ok short and sweet. Izzy with her Pawpaw who is still her favorite person, Katie dressing up as some sort of princess whes she still does and Izzy who about 5 months old eating messily which she still does! On to more stuff!

Ahhh the good times when the new baby still smells new and will sleep with you on the couch, just not at night . Here Izzy is about 2 months old and katie is getting used to being the BIG sis, a roll in which she has done pretty well with.
And then Izzy in her airfreshener suit. I think we wished it actually smelt piney fresh and not like diapers!!

More old stuff

Ok time to take a break from the kids for a second. We will get back to that soon enough! Here is the race bike after it's new paint job. Looking back the bike never needed a paint job it is after all a "track" bike. Of course i couldn't help doing somthing to it. But now I do feel bad because when these pics where taken i had spent a lot of hours in the paint booth and poor Tara was dealing with newborn Izzy.
Sorry Baby.

Catching up

First I haven't updated this blog in a long time, I wouldn't even really call it a blog more of a rambling of pictures of things I find important or interesting. So since last post as you can see we had our 2nd child on 15july09 (seems like a lifetime ago. Izzy.The happy crazy baby!

So I will try to keep this in cronilogical order as I try to catch this back up but don't count on it.